Town of Mount Pleasant designated a ‘Pinwheel City’ in fight to end child abuse
May 21, 2021
MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C. (WCBD) – The Town of Mount Pleasant has been designated a “Pinwheel City” this month as it works raise awareness and prevention when it comes to child abuse.
By proclamation read by Mount Pleasant Mayor Will Haynie on Thursday, the town is once again partnering with the Dee Norton Child Advocacy Center and Children’s Trust of SC to support efforts to raise awareness in child abuse prevention across the state.
Mayor Haynie said through their efforts in curbing domestic violence among children, they know there will be about 1,700 cases of child abuse, neglect or a traumatic experience in the town’s two zip codes.
That’s why they are working hard to raise awareness during the month-long awareness initiative.
“We are very proud of our town, we are very proud of our low crime rate, very proud of our high quality of life – but this issue knows no boundaries – it knows no socioeconomic boundaries, it knows no municipal boundaries and it’s very serious,” he said.
Leaders with Dee Norton Child Advocacy Center say the pinwheel serves as a national symbol of child abuse.

Pinwheels are planted in gardens throughout April to honor children in communities across the country to recognize National Child Abuse Awareness Month and bring awareness to prevention efforts.
“Every member of the police department is committed to protecting victims in our community and keeping our community safe – that said, children present a particular vulnerability to victimization,” said Mount Pleasant Police Chief Mark Arnold.
He said each of the town’s officers have a special place in their heart for children and protecting them. “They work every day to go above and beyond to protect these individuals. Sadly, we know an abuse occurs too often, and when it does, police officers are often the first to stop in and stop the abuse and get children the help they desperately need.”
Chief Arnold said he is grateful for the town’s positive working relationship with the Dee Norton Child Advocacy Center. “Together, we can make a safer community for all our children,” he said.
The pinwheels can be seen around Mount Pleasant Town Hall.